Strengthening of Rural Economies through System of Rice Intensification

Instructors: Mr. Birkhang Basumatary


Many nonprofits and social enterprises need monetary support to run their initiatives. A part of Impact Academy invites you to a curated masterclass on Thursday, September 8th, 2022 (4 - 5:30 pm IST) on "Strengthening Rural Economies through System of Rice Intensification" facilitated by seSTA (Seven Sisters Development Assistance).

SeSTA is a culmination of efforts to initiate development work to empower communities in remote rural areas of NE India. SeSTA was conceived to put systematic effort into the socio-economic development of NE by building capabilities of poor communities, promoting and strengthening their institutions to facilitate them out of poverty and meaningfully participate in the global economy.

Themes and subthemes being touched upon:
1) System Rice Intensification (SRI) overview
2) SeSTA intervention and outreach in SRI
3) Impact of SRI and its challenges, Initiatives and challenges.


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